Resolving issues with neighbours

Information for Queensland public housing tenants

We all contribute to creating a safe, healthy and peaceful neighbourhood, but sometimes this can be disrupted by disagreements with your neighbours.

If you have disagreements with your neighbours, you should try to talk to them about the problem. The other person may not be aware that they’re disturbing your peace and enjoyment.

Read some tips about how to approach and resolve issues with your neighbours.

Government role in neighbour disputes

We don’t usually intervene in one-on-one disagreements between neighbours in public housing. We intervene only where required as a landlord under the Residential Tenancy and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008.

We don’t tolerate disruptive behaviour, deliberate or reckless property damage, or illegal activities at a public housing property. These actions are a breach of the State tenancy agreement. Read about our expectations of tenant behaviour.

Our Fair Expectations of Behaviour policy helps us reduce and better respond to disruptive behaviour by public housing tenants.

We use tenancy breach processes under the Residential Tenancy and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 to identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

We have a strong focus on coordinating and linking people to other government and community services for support. For example:

  • if someone is driving recklessly in your street, contact the Queensland Police Service
  • if a neighbour is parking cars on the footpath, contact your local council
  • if you receive threats from neighbours, call the Queensland Police Service immediately
  • if you have a complaint about a barking dog, contact your local council.

We will work with other government and community services to consider action against a tenant if a breach of the State tenancy agreement has occurred.

Under the Information Privacy Act 2009, we can’t disclose information that breaches a tenant’s right to privacy, such as what actions we’ve taken against a tenant.

Mediation services

The Dispute Resolution Centre provides mediation services to help you settle a dispute without legal action. Mediators guide discussion between parties to try to work out an agreement that suits all.

Mediators don’t take sides or make judgements. The service is private and usually free.

Read more about neighbourhood mediation services.

Ask your Housing Service Centre about a Dispute Resolution Centre in your area.

If mediation doesn’t work

If mediation doesn’t work, there are other dispute resolution options, including legal action. Discuss these options with the Dispute Resolution Centre.